*** CHECK US OUT ON LEX18! ***

Cave Run Youth Sailing Academy, Ltd. (CRYSA), although starting in the early 1980’s, received its 503.1.c status on June 19, 2017 and is a “sister organization” of Cave Run Sailing Association(CRSA). CRYSA is focused on educating and training sailors, introducing and instilling long-term life skills, and promoting sailing throughout Kentucky and the surrounding area.
CRYSA hosts an annual “Youth Sailing Camp” each year in Lexington at Jacobson Park introducing basic sailing skills to youth and tens, ages 6 through 18. We offer a limited number of scholarships to disadvantaged or underserved youth so money does not deny anyone the opportunity to learn and enjoy sailing. Our Youth Sailing Camp typically welcomes between 20 and 30 youth from the region. Currently our fleet consists of of 5 Opti and 12 Sunfish and we are always on the lookout to grow our fleet and resources.
Want more information?
Want to donate?
To register or volunteer: CLICK HERE!
Or contact our Youth Sailing Director, Chuck Emrich, at 859-270-2199 or email youthsailing@caverunsailing.org