This will be a hands-on intensive class, where you will learn to make minor structural repairs, including bulkhead tabbing, as well as how to refinish a gel coat hull.
The boats to be repaired are the Cave Run Youth Sailing Program’s sunfish – enabling our youth sailing program to continue into another season.
WHO: Club members interested in fiberglass repair.
WHEN: 3-4 hours, Saturday mornings of 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, and 4/30 2022.
WHERE: Grimes Mill Rd, Lexington (more details to come).
HOW MUCH: $100 per student. Total Boat has subsidized $1500 of our materials cost. All fees will be used to pay for materials not covered by this subsidy.
Participants will need to provide the following personal tools:
· Orbital Sander (sheet sanders are not acceptable and corded tools are preferred)
· Sanding Block/Pad
· Respirator w/ Filters (cloth masks and non-filtered respirators are not acceptable)
· Eye Protection
· Tyvek Suit
· Fiberglass Rollers
· Small Plastic Squeegee
· Vinyl or Rubber gloves (proper fit and disposable)
For more information before registering, please contact Ben Askren at